Saturday 10 September 2011

Documents went missing in another DEC cover up


Anonymous said...

On 9/2/09 an incident occurred at Walgett Community College High School and Erich Riesinger told the truth about the teacher who assaulted an aboriginal student. From that day on, the writing was on the wall for him.

Anonymous said...

Give Carole a call 0412 821 392

Liberty Rowan said...

This woman is an evil calculating liar, theif and murderer. She kills off genuine hard working staff and manipulates education all over the Western region because she has been GIVEN PROMOTIONS instead of being sacked when community and staff insisted upon action. WHY?????? When will she be dealt with according to her deceit and corruption???

Liberty Rowan said...

Why are all of Mcdairymaid's 'girlfriends' all 'butch' and tough? Why are none of them highly educated or articulate? Why does Mcdairymaid insist upon school's being staffed by ignorant, poorly educated, people? Why does DET permit this? Why has Gov't not done something about it all? The evidence is myriad and goes back over past 15-20 years (held securely in a vault so even if Mcdiarymaid destroys her end, good clear copies remain and can be proven to have emanated from her offices and at times stated on them).?