Friday 2 September 2011

Variety Club involved in Carenne bus scam

From Carenne Gate:
Over 2004 and 2005, the Bathurst community were told that Carenne Special School needed two buses to convey students to and from activities within the community. The Bathurst community banded together and raised a large amount of money for Carenne Special School to purchase the buses. The funding shortfall was filled by the Variety Club of Australia, which local media reported as purchasing the buses for Carenne Special School. Principal and Carenne Support Director, Terry Mahony told the Western Advocate on a number of occassions that the vehicles were for the use of Carenne Special School.

Despite the vehicles being purchased by community organisations for Carenne Special School and having Carenne School written on the side of them, they are owned by Carenne Support and one of them used to generate profit to pay one of its directors and CEO.
 Here's evidence that Variety Club knew they weren't for who they were supposed to be:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FUCK Variety club, took my brother to one of their events and all the adults just got drunk, left bunch of disabled kids in hot carpark for hours with nothing to do.